An introduction to the Web of Things(WoT) using TP Link Smart bulb

Connect your first ever TP link smart bulb to web and start developing Web of Things(WoT) !!

Hi Guys,
Today, let’s come out of LEDs, resistors, breadboards, connecting wires, blahbalahblah and just start playing with a real world smart thing….Wondered??
I have chosen an LB 100 Smart Bulb from TP link for our development today and it should work with most of the models of TP link smart bulbs. Let’s go and Connect our first ever TP link bulb to web and start developing Web of Things (WoT).

In this blog, what you can learn ?

  • What is Web of Things(WoT)?
  • URL and WoT
  • How Web protocols and HTTP methods works with this smart bulb
  • A simple user interface to turn ON and OFF your light-bulb and control its brightness from Web URL
Recommended Reading:
It is recommended to read the led control using web technologies for deeper understanding of HTTP methods and other Web concepts

Here I have assumed that you have configured your TP link Bulb using the official KASA app following this procedure How to connect tp-link Smart Bulb to my home network via Kasa? And install node js in your development platform either PC or Raspberry Pi.

Software Platforms:
Node JS(Server)
Web Browser (Client)

Required Node modules:

1. TP Link Smart Bulb( Any Model)

2. Raspberry Pi 3(recommended)

Github link

Directory Structure:

Package.json   -  Contain all the node modules to be installed and project details
app.js    - main file to execute where the server and routing configurations can be found
routes/routes.js – contain the URL routes and the corresponding HTTP methods
views/index.html – Welcome Page
views/control.html – TP link control

What is Web of Things ?
Let’s learn some basics of WoT and get into a real time development, the below figure can explain some basics for you to understand the ease of use of WoT. We all know about Internet of Things and there are hundreds of incompatible IoT protocols coexist today as you can see in the figure. This makes the integration of data and services from various devices extremely complex and costly too. In the Web of Things, any device can be accessed using standard web protocols like HTTP, REST and so on easily and just ensure that the device should have a web server running in it. Recent embedded web servers with advanced features can be implemented with only 8 KB of memory for developing a WoT system. Thanks to efficient cross-layer TCP/HTTP optimizations and they can run on tiny embedded systems or even smart cards too. So, Connecting heterogeneous devices (Multiple protocols) to the web make the integration across systems and applications much simpler (Content referred from “Building the Web of Things”).

And now it’s time to introduce our smart bulb to the web world….!!

Since using Raspberry pi will be more interesting than using a PC, I have used a raspberry here as my development environment.

Step 1: Clone the github repository into your raspberry pi and this is our working directory

sudo git clone                 

Step 2: Change the directory to our wot-tplink-lightbulb

cd /wot-tplink-lightbulb 
step3: Install all the required node modules inside the working directory

npm install (or) sudo npm install

step4: Replace the IP address of the Light Bulb with your bulb’s IP address in the router.js file inside folder router ( You can find the IP address of the bulb by logging into your home wifi and look for DHCP list)

cd router/                                                                                     
sudo nano router.js                                                                    

Step5: Save the file and come back to the main directory and run the app

sudo node app.js                                                        

Now, Go to your browser and type the URL http://192.X.X.X:8000 and you should be able to see the index.html page. Note you should type your raspberry pi's ip address here.
When you click the TP Link button you will be taken to http://192.X.X.X:8000/bulb/
Just Click ON and OFF button and see your TP link Bulb will toggle accordingly and you can see the URL changing to http://192.X.X.X:8000/bulb/on and http://192.X.X.X:8000/bulb/off

It’s very common to toggle a Bulb, but it’s quiet fun if you can control its brightness from the URL itself. Go to URL http://192.X.X.X:8000/bulb/on/80 (you can key in any value between 0-100) and keep changing the values from 0-100 and reload the page you can see the brightness of your TP link changing according to your request made. You can see the JSON response on your raspberry pi for all your changes.

So, We have developed our First WoT system with the TP-link Smart Bulb.

Now it’sTime to learn How changing the URL makes a device to change it’s behavior…It’s very surprising rite…..We should say thanks for the emerging web technologies (URL, HTTP, JavaScript and its APIs)

URL and WoT:
             In simple URL means Uniform Resource Locator which is the address of a resource on the Internet. In WoT, resources are all our things having embedded web server in it as we mentioned before and it can be a smart bulb, smart plug, Smart lock, smart thermostat and so on.Here In our example we are playing mainly with the URLs, Here is the definition for the URL used in this development

Here The first part specifies the protocol we use, here HTTP; then the domain is resolved by DNS to an IP address and in our case we don’t have any domain name and so using our raspberry pi's ip address, then the port is used by TCP to know what process to redirect to, and finally the RESTful resource is shown which is our TP link bulb. In similar way you can also design your own URL according to your application and need.

How Web protocols and HTTP methods works with this smart bulb:
             Now let’s learn how this URL is listening to us and sending us response in back. It is mainly based on HTTP method, you can specify according to you like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. Let’s begin with this http://192.X.X.X:8000  ,when you enter this URL in your browser you are making a GET request to the Server for a response, Here the server will respond you with a welcome page (index.html) and when you click the button in the welcome page it will take you to the page http://192.X.X.X:8000/bulb(control.html), for this to happen we have mentioned in the app.js file to use route.js when /bulb is added in the URL. Hence all the requests made under this URL is listed inside the route.js file. Now the server will respond you with the control.html file for your GET request which we have defined in our route.js file.

Making a GET request in a browser is default and common because whenever you type an URL the server will make a GET request all the time, then how to turn the bulb on and off, for this we need to use POST request to send data to a server to create/update a resource (Bulb). So here we have defined the POST request for ON and OFF in our route.js file. It is important that, you have to add the tplink node module inside this file as “const TPLSmartDevice = require('tplinklightbulb')”  as we are using this file to define all our control options. So to make a POST request from URL is not possible, hence we need a html button click to make POST request for us. You can see the control.html file having the method post and the Onclick function defined inside and the route.js file has to be added inside the control.html page to take effect. 

Similarly, to control the brightness I have made a GET request from the URL, this GET request is defined as /on/:value. In express “req.param.value” is the main function to read the user values and pass to the TP link API. You can refer to the app.js and router.js below
var express = require('express');
var path = require('path');
var app = express();
var route = require('./routes/routes.js');
app.use('/bulb', route);
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/routes'));
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname +'/views/index.html'));
app.listen(8000, function () {
console.log('Example app listening on port 8000!')
view raw app.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var path = require('path');
const TPLSmartDevice = require('tplink-lightbulb');
const light = new TPLSmartDevice('192.X.X.X'); //change the ip address to your TP link bulb's ip address
// Home page route.
router.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname +'./../views/control.html'));
})'/on', function (req, res) {
light.power(1).then(response => {
.catch(e => console.error(e))
return res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname +'./../views/control.html'));
})'/off', function (req, res) {
light.power(0).then(response => {
.catch(e => console.error(e))
return res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname +'./../views/control.html'));
router.get('/on/:value', function (req, res) {
'smartlife.iot.smartbulb.lightingservice': {
'transition_light_state': {
'on_off': 1,
.then(response => {
.catch(e => console.error(e))
return res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname +'./../views/control.html'));
module.exports = router;
view raw routes.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Index.html and control.html
Bulb ON and Bulb OFF
To control Brightness

Now, I believe you guys can design your own Web Thing and control its characteristics !!!
If you tried this tutorial or have done similar projects, Kindly comment below and let’s share our knowledge and keep reading my blogs for more interesting stuffs.
