An introduction to the Web of Things(WoT) using TP Link Smart bulb

Connect your first ever TP link smart bulb to web and start developing Web of Things(WoT) !! Hi Guys, Today, let’s come out of LEDs, resistors, breadboards, connecting wires, blahbalahblah and just start playing with a real world smart thing….Wondered?? I have chosen an LB 100 Smart Bulb from TP link for our development today and it should work with most of the models of TP link smart bulbs. Let’s go and Connect our first ever TP link bulb to web and start developing Web of Things (WoT). In this blog, what you can learn ? What is Web of Things(WoT)? URL and WoT How Web protocols and HTTP methods works with this smart bulb A simple user interface to turn ON and OFF your light-bulb and control its brightness from Web URL Recommended Reading: It is recommended to read the led control using web technologies for deeper understanding of HTTP methods and other Web concepts Assump...