Making a Simple Open Smart Home using raspberry pi with OpenHAB-for Beginners

Hi Everyone, Today most of us have heard about the Term Internet of Things(IoT) i.e., connected devices.This is my first blog I am writing just to share my works on IoT related stuffs.It may be useful for someone really who has a passion to start building their smart home with minimum investment.Here I have used a complete Open Source solution to build a smart home system. Just as an Introduction, OpenHAB stands for Open Home Automation Bus specially designed for enthusiasts who are passionate to build a smart home with the existing infrastructure. Open HAB basically provides several bindings which we are going to use according to our need.The list of OpenHAB supporting devices can be found in the following website .Since I am a beginner to OpenHAB I have tried automating my home only using few items viz., Wemo Smart Switch, DS18B20 Temperature sensor and...